Note: I haven't tried or verified this, proceed at your own risk. And
DO NOT transmit outside of legal bands for your license. WA2ISE
This mod applies to the Icom H16,Midland 70-134B(VHF) and Icom U16(UHF) Radios.
I don't know if Icom made the Midland(probably so) or vice versa,but the info there applies to all of these radios.
First,you need to open the radio.Then on the left side of the board is a jumper that needs to be removed.After removing that,put the radio back together.Turn the radio on.Hold the (F)unction key down and enter 159357 on the keypad.A colon will appear between the "ch" and the channel number.You are now in programming mode.Modes are accessed as follows.....
(F)key plus
1=TX tone
2=RX tone(usually this tone need not be set unless you need to "tone squelch" other stations not on your system)
4=Rpt. offset--Use * for minus,# for plus offset.(IE,to do -600 Khz,you'd press *00600 and [ENT])
5=Recieve freq.(also TX if you use * or # 00000 offset-Simplex)
6=Not used
7=Special channel numbers(number channels so they are easy to remember--only can use 17 to 99)
8=TX time out timer enable
9=TX inhibit(great for channels you want to hear but cannot transmit on.)
After you enter any data,always press enter to go back to
ch:## screen.After you are totally done,press (F) and [CLR].
Your radio is now ready to use.The Midland and the Icoms are both commercial grade radios.This means that it can be used for your local Fire/EMS/Police/Sheriff's dept you are employed by as well as the local ham repeaters.REMEMBER,unless you are licensed and/or authorized to use a frequency,DON'T.Not only can this land you in hot water with the FCC,it will land you in a lot of disfavor with the agency whose frequency you used if they find you.If you have an emergency,use a are licensed for or use a cell phone.'tis better that way.
Users assume all risks in modifying any radio to make sure it correctly works after any mods.